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Steps to recieve TopologyCoin

TPC in your Meta Mask Wallet

1. Install the App - MetaMask
Google Play Store Link -
If unable to install from the above link then search the Metamask app in your Play Store App and install it

2. Create New Wallet in MetaMask
Do save your Phrase and Password somewhere so that you can recover your wallet in future

3. In the Meta Mask Go to Settings menu of the App > Networks > Add Network

4. In New RPC Network enter these settings
Network Name: BSC Mainnet
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
Then press “Save”

Now your Network will be BSC Mainnet

5. On footer of the home of App Press "Import tokens"

6. In the Token Contract Address Enter this value

Token Symbol & Token Decimal should come automatically

Confirm with yourself that Token Symbol is TPC

Then Press : Add Custom Token or Import Token
TPC should now appear on your App home page

Your TPC Balance should appear 0 if no transaction is made to you yet

7. Share Your Account's Public address from whom you want to receive the TPC Tokens

"Your TPC Balance should appear once the transaction is success!"

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